Posts Tagged ‘babybeddingset’

Tips For Choosing Baby Furniture

September 17, 2010

Are you preparing the baby room for your little youngster?

Being blessed with a baby you must be very thrilled! But you need to remember that many regular expenses come along with the baby, like baby food, baby bedding set, clothes, diapers etc. So it is better to make a realistic budget.

Baby furniture include many items like crib, baby bassinet, rocking chair, baby high chair, cradle, stroller, changing table, baby walker etc. You don’t have to buy all the furniture at a time. First make a list of the furniture that your baby need. Next select most essential items like a crib or bassinet, a changing table and a stroller and tick them. Rest of the furniture you can buy one by one as the baby grows. The furniture can be categorized into two segments.

Essential furniture for newborn

Instead of crib, baby bassinet can be used from four to six months. It costs much less than a crib. You can buy it later. Choose the bassinet with wide base and firm mattress where baby can sleep comfortably. It should not have any rough edge from inside.

The crib you choose needs to be comfortable, safe and secure because it is the place where the baby spends most of his/her time for first few months. The material used should be of high quality. The spaces in between the slats should be narrow enough to prevent the baby from getting his/her hands, legs or head stuck in between. High-density foam mattress should be used in the crib.

Changing table provides the safe place to change the diaper or dress of your baby. Choose one that is high enough so that you can dress up your baby comfortably without bending. It should be made up of solid wood and have proper railing around the table. A changing table with drawers and shelves provide a lot of space to keep the baby’s clothes, diapers and other     necessities handy.

Baby stroller is another useful baby gear. There are different models of stroller like lightweight, heavy and with different extra features. You can choose as per your choice getting sure about its safety features. The wheelbase should be wide enough and it should have brakes to lock the wheels and washable fabrics.

Now you can go for other essentials like  bedding sets, clothes, diaper, baby monitor etc. You can add other essential furniture like high chair, dresser, baby walker, baby storage cart etc. to your nursery when you need.